How To Remove Bed Bugs Stains From Walls?

When there are a lot of bed bugs in your house, it will be an obvious thing to have bugs stains on the walls. 

It will look horrible and that’s why it needs to be cleaned as soon as possible. But what are the effective ways? And how to remove bed bugs stains from walls? We need to know all about it.

Well, knowing all about it is compulsory because that’s how you can get to know, and get the best outcome for sure. 

To know more, let’s get right into it.

How To Remove Bed Bugs Stains From Walls


How To Remove Bed Bug Stains from Walls, Wood and Sheets

There could be a lot of methods that you can find. And you can use any of those methods. But the most important thing is, you need to know its effectiveness. 

As you are supposed to work with the wall of your house, you need to go with the processes accordingly. 

And that’s why your first step should be learning about what the effective techniques are, and how these will work. 

So, without wasting any time, let’s get in! 

Method 1: Baking Soda Solution

Baking soda is a great solution to remove spots. Even the spots of the wall can be removed by using baking soda. All you need to do is to apply the technique in a proper way. 

Well, let’s see step by step for a better understanding. 

Step 1:

At first, take a spraying bottle, and pour water into it. Now, spray that water on the stained surface. Make sure you cover all the spots with water well. 

Soaking will be enough to clean the stains properly. And for the soaking, the whole process will be easier to handle.      

Also, it will help you more to remove the bed bugs spots on the wall. So, make sure you spray to those areas in a proper way. 

Step 2:

Now, make a solution of baking soda. And to do that, you will need a bowl. 

Take baking soda and water in that bowl. Add a generous amount of water to make a thick mixture. The consistency of the solution should be paste-like. 

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And by keeping that in mind, you will need to make the paste. Take a spoon and mix both of the ingredients in a nice way.    

Step 3:

Apply the mixture onto the surface well. Make sure you cover all the stains with this paste completely. 

You can use a dab motion while applying the paste. In that way, the paste will go into the wall and soak the stains easily. 

Step 4:

Now, let the solution be on the wall for a few minutes. It will help to soak properly. 

Soaking is important because when the wall will be soaked completely, chances of getting rid most of the stains will be increased. 

That’s why take some time for applying and soaking the entire mixture well. 

Step 5:

Now, take a paper towel or a clean cloth and remove the excess solution by using a dabbing motion once again. 

One thing you need to be aware of and that is, you should not soak for a long time. 10-15 minutes will be enough. 

You can also spray water at this point, if you think wiping is not enough. But after spraying water, again wipe out the excess and have a clean wall. 

Step 6:

Now that you are done with all your cleaning the spot and removing the stains, you should now keep the wall dried. Many people use dryer but when it’s about wall, you don’t need to use that. 

The reason is, your wall can be dried automatically. So, leave it there and you will see, it will get dry after a few hours.  

Method 2: Use Oxalic Acid

Oxalic acid is also a great ingredient to remove any kind of stain. And as it’s about the bed bugs stains on the walls of your house, this acid works amazingly.  

All you need to know the technique of using this acid. And if you can do it then it will be much easier to execute everything. 

That’s why check the steps of using it on walls and know its effectiveness. After that, decide what you are going to do. 

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Step 1:

At first, soak the soak by spraying water just like the previous method. And to do that, fill the spray bottle with water. And then, spray it all over the area.       

Make sure you cover all the stained area with water. And then, let it be there for a few minutes to soak properly. 

Step 2:

Now, you have to make a solution of this acid. The solution is simple. Take oxalic acid, and mix it with water.    

And then it’s time to apply it. But before doing that, you need to examine first. As you are working with acid, you need to do it in a proper way. Otherwise, it can do the opposite of your desire. 

Moreover, it can also change the color of the wall. That’s why what you should do is to spray the mixture onto the slightest part of the wall. 

And if you see there is no harm, then you can use it as a solution.  

Step 3:

Apply the mixture all over the area to cover the stain. After that, leave the acid on the wall to dry. The acid will help to remove the entire stain and make the wall clean as before. 

On the other hand, if your wall is made of wood then, you should be more careful about it. And if you are facing bed bug stains problem on your wooden wall, then at this point, you have to use sandpaper to sand those areas first. 

And after doing this, then you can get into the oxalic acid thing.     

Step 4:

Now, it’s almost done. You need to check if the stains are gone or not. Also, the color of the wall should match with the other parts of the wall. 

Make sure there will be no discoloration. And that’s how you should do all the procedures to remove bed bugs stains. 

Method 3: Stain Remover 

Using stain remover for this purpose is a basic thing to do. There are a variety of ranges of stain remover. All you have do is, choose the correct one for your wall. 

Well, stain remover is useful for removing stains from the wall. And it can remove bed bugs stains too. So, you can totally rely on their outcomes if you choose the best one of all. 

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Check the details of using the stain remover for a clear vision. 

Step 1:

Spray water on the surface to soak the wall properly. Make sure you do this well as we have described before. 

Step 2:

Now, take the stain remover and apply on the affected areas. You need to be careful if it doesn’t discolor the wall. 

Step 3:

You can also use hydrogen peroxide if you don’t have stain remover. This will work in a exact way. You just need spray it all over the area like the stain remover. 

Step 4:

Now, leave the wall just like that to be soaked and dried. You can also spray water after a while if you see any discoloration happening. Otherwise, let the wall be there for drying. And that will get all the stains out of the wall.  

Pro Tips 

  1. Make sure you use hand gloves while using oxalic acid 
  2. Don’t use sandpaper unless the wall is wooden 
  3. There might be a doubt of having a discoloration when you are using any kind of acid or hydrogen peroxide so, make sure you test into a small place of the wall first  
  4. The ultimate solution will be the restriction of bed bugs and you can do it if you use bed bug stainless paint on your wall 
  5. Repeat the process and do it again after a few days to completely remove the stains   

Wrap Up 

We have described some of the interesting and effective methods to remove bed bugs stains from the wall. You will have a better outcome if you follow the rules step by step. 

We know that your home is so important to you. So, to have a clean house, your walls should be clean and beautiful. And it will be possible if you can remove the bugs stains. 

And for that, you need to know about how to remove bed bugs stains from walls.     

So, be aware and get the techniques to do your purpose.   

Jessica Alba

Jessica Alba is passionate about home improvement and design. As a child, she grew up helping her dad renovate their childhood home. Many of her skills came from this experience. Jessica loves DIY projects and sharing her passion for home design with others since she lives in Los Angeles.

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